TN AFL-CIO Announces Labor-Endorsed Candidates for General Election
Following a joint meeting of its Executive Board and Committee on Political Education (COPE) held last week, the Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council is announcing its list of endorsed candidates ahead of the November 5th General Election.
"We've never been so inspired after simply reading through a stack of questionnaires," said TN AFL-CIO President Billy Dycus. "This is by far the most impressive group of candidates who have sought labor's endorsement in quite some time, including the highest number of current or former union members. Whether they're an incumbent or challenging one of the many anti-worker lawmakers we face at the federal and state levels, there's no doubt that these Tennesseans would be strong voices for our more than 60,000 members. Working families across our state are fed up with being governed by a supermajority that's drunk with power and only caters to big business and corporate special interest groups. As we emphasize on a regular basis, the only way to change what happens at the Tennessee General Assembly or in Washington is for voters to change who they send to represent their interests. Electing these strong labor-supporters is the first steps towards making that happen. We congratulate all of our endorsed candidates and look forward to working with you to make life better for all Tennesseans."
Together with its five Central Labor Councils and affiliated unions, the Tennessee AFL-CIO will spend the next two months mobilizing its members in support of these candidates to ensure that working families are represented at all levels of government.
U.S. Senate: Gloria Johnson
U.S. House of Representatives, District 2: Jane George
U.S. House of Representatives, District 4: Victoria Broderick
U.S. House of Representatives, District 5: Maryam Abolfazli
U.S. House of Representatives, District 6: Lore Bergman
U.S. House of Representatives, District 7: Megan Barry
U.S. House of Representatives, District 9: Steve Cohen
State Senate, District 6: Domonica Bryan
State Senate, District 10: Missy Crutchfield
State Senate, District 16: Wayne Steele
State Senate, District 18: Walter Chandler
State Senate, District 20: Heidi Campbell
State Senate, District 22: Karen Reynolds
State Senate, District 28: James Dallas
State Senate, District 30: Sara Kyle
State House of Representatives, District 3: Lori Love
State House of Representatives, District 12: Leslie Braddock
State House of Representatives, District 15: Sam McKenzie
State House of Representatives, District 16: Lauren Carver
State House of Representatives, District 26: Allison Gorman
State House of Representatives, District 27: Kathy Lennon
State House of Representatives, District 28: Yusuf Hakeem
State House of Representatives, District 33: Anne Backus
State House of Representatives, District 35: Lexi Melton
State House of Representatives, District 42: Amber "Bennie" Taylor
State House of Representatives, District 44: Brian Robertson
State House of Representatives, District 45: Alison Beale
State House of Representatives, District 49: Luis Mata
State House of Representatives, District 50: Bo Mitchell
State House of Representatives, District 51: Aftyn Behn
State House of Representatives, District 52: Justin Jones
State House of Representatives, District 53: Jason Powell
State House of Representatives, District 54: Vincent Dixie
State House of Representatives, District 55: John Ray Clemmons
State House of Representatives, District 56: Bob Freeman
State House of Representatives, District 58: Harold Love, Jr.
State House of Representatives, District 59: Caleb Hemmer
State House of Representatives, District 60: Shaundelle Brooks
State House of Representatives, District 61: Claire Jones
State House of Representatives, District 63: Laura Andreson
State House of Representatives, District 67: Ronnie Glynn
State House of Representatives, District 75: Allie Phillips
State House of Representatives, District 80: Johnny Shaw
State House of Representatives, District 83: Noah Nordstrom
State House of Representatives, District 84: Joe Towns, Jr.
State House of Representatives, District 85: Jesse Chism
State House of Representatives, District 86: Justin Pearson
State House of Representatives, District 87: Karen Camper
State House of Representatives, District 88: Larry Miller
State House of Representatives, District 89: Cary Hammond
State House of Representatives, District 90: Gloria Johnson
State House of Representatives, District 91: Torrey Harris
State House of Representatives, District 92: Teri Mai
State House of Representatives, District 93: G.A. Hardaway
State House of Representatives, District 96: Gabby Salinas
State House of Representatives, District 97: Jesse Huseth
State House of Representatives. District 98: Antonio Parkinson